A Celebration of A Wonderful Life Together...

Are you getting married in the San Francisco Bay Area?  Based in Santa Clara, Larry Sacks Photography offers a unique and memorable wedding photography experience for his San Francisco Bay Area Wedding Photography clients and clients beyond the SF Bay Area.

You deserve the very best on your wedding day - beautiful wedding photography images and personalized service.  Emails and phone calls are great but they just don’t compare to what can be accomplished during an in-person wedding photography consultation.

At Larry Sacks Photography, we believe providing our prospective clients the opportunity to get know us and see our range of beautiful artisan products first hand to be an essential part of the process.

If you are shopping around for SF Bay Area Wedding Photographer prices, you need to know that not all San Francisco Bay Area wedding photography services and products are created equal.  You need to make sure you are comparing comparable services, coverage and products.  Invest the time your wedding photography planning deserves; book your no obligation consultation with Larry Sacks Photography today and we can help you understand the differences. 


Love what you see? Our wedding packages start at $1,999.  If we are within your budget, we would love to sit with you and talk about creating something unique and amazing for you on your wedding day. Contact us today to schedule a meeting to talk about your Wedding Day.